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Marketing Mentoring for your Start-up

1-2-1 - Mentoring

Do you feel like you are hitting a plateau, or you want your business to grow quicker? Do you need to know the Next Steps in digital Marketing? Talk to one of our business development mentors on a bi-weekly or monthly base for guaranteed progress.

Is the Marketing Mentoring something for you?


You are a founder or professional who want to have hands-on learning experience with an expert.


We are part of your team now, and we will make sure that we all are getting things done. Together.


You need a network of (young) professionals and experts that can help you to get things done quickly.

How Does the 1-2-1 MENTORING WORK?

STEP - 1
Outline Your Path

We will outline your path and introduce you to our project management software.

Incl. A small assessment of your Online Marketing efforts.

Step - 2
Monthly / Bi-Weekly Meetings

In 30-min-sessions, you can ask us questions, and we will guide you on your Marketing path. Content Marketing, Digital Ads, SEO, Website, e-Commerce, or Social Media. We have an expert for everything on hand.

Incl. Assessment of your tasks.

Step - 3
Getting Things Done

Not only will we help you to fight procrastination, but also we can supply you with on-demand resources where you need them. Skillful and trained students can help you to get the work done where you need extra help.

Step - 4
Keep on g(r)o(w)ing

While your business is growing, so will your demand. Continues re-assessment and adjustments are needed to grow in the right direction. Our professional network will help you to take the next steps.

Incl. 1-2-1's with advanced Marketing experts.


We have a lot of information, Masterclasses, as well as individual coaching in our DIY-plans. You can learn everything about digital Marketing with us.

Step - 2
Monthly / Bi-Weekly Meetings

In 30-min-sessions, you can ask us questions, and we will guide you on your Marketing path. Content Marketing, Digital Ads, SEO, Website, e-Commerce, or Social Media. We have an expert for everything on hand.

Incl. Assessment of your tasks.

Step - 4
Keep on g(r)o(w)ing

While your business is growing, so will your demand. Continues re-assessment and adjustments are needed to grow in the right direction. Our professional network will help you to take the next steps.

Incl. 1-2-1's with advanced Marketing experts.

Your Marketing Mentoring is just one step away!

Schedule a 30-min consulting session with our experts to learn more.


Usual Pricing

12-months Marketing Mentoring
Paid as a yearly subscription

Starting From


  • Monthly 30-min meetings
  • Project Management Setup
  • Network of young professionals
  • Network of Marketing professionals
  • BONUS: Full Marketing Assessment
Coming Soon


3-Months Closed BETA

No payment and no obligations -
we just need your help to develop this :)


  • Monthly 30-min meetings
  • Project Management Setup
  • Network of young professionals
  • Network of Marketing professionals
  • Full Marketing Assessment as Add-on
Schedule a Meeting

Schedule your 1-2-1 MENTORING

NextSteps Marketing Explained


NextSteps is helping young companies and young professionals to find and reach their marketing goals by guiding them through their path and establish a link between all parties involved: 

  • Companies can choose between low-cost Students that are guided by experts to make sure the work is done.
  • Students can get hands-on experience while also being guided and inspired by marketing experts.
  • Experts that used to work alone can now create a team of Students that can help them to get the work done more efficiently while helping young companies through their first steps. 

Frequently Asked

Why do I need Marketing Mentoring?

As a young company, you usually have at least one of the following issues:

- You don't know how to do certain things.
- You don't have enough money to hire people full-time.
- You are overwhelmed with the amount of information online.
- You want to learn and understand more because you know marketing and sales are essential.
- You would like to get access to a broader network of professionals. 
- You don't know how to grow your sales and business further. 

Ultimately, you can figure out everything by yourself or just ask us everything and save time and money. It is up to you!

What can I expect from the BETA?

In the Beta, we will figure out together how the workflows of such meetings will be. We will try out different modes and give you value along the way. 

What you can expect is:
- Project Management-Based workflows.
- You can ask us any questions, and we can show you how you can get things done. 
- We can connect you to the right young professionals for small assignments.
- We can connect you to your marketing expert network for advanced assignments.
- We will give you learning materials for your specific challenges. 
- You can join all our available Masterclasses.

But you can also expect that we will try different things with you to figure out the best way we can help you and other companies. So, we greatly appreciate your help :)

What if I don't like the one-to-one marketing mentoring?

Since you will be part of our public beta, we can just stop our meetings. There are no strings attached and no payment due.

We would still appreciate your honest feedback :)

What happens after the 3-months Beta?

For now, it is an experiment. We want to see if we can create value for you and your company. So, we will assess how much value we created and how we can continue working together. 

We would like to help you to help yourself. And if you need additional guidance, we will introduce you to our young professionals or experts. 

What is the difference between young professionals and marketing experts?

Our young experts will help you with small tasks. They can assess your work, create content and help you put things online. 

Our experts will take over more advanced tasks like strategy, website creation, development, or online advertising campaigns. 

The pricing varies depending on which tasks you might need. If you do everything yourself, it will stay for free.

Do you have more questions?

Schedule a short 30-min consulting session with our experts to learn more.